Adrian Pourviseh
Is an illustrator and sea rescue activist
Adrian Pourviseh was born in Koblenz in 1995. He studied B.A. Oriental Studies with a focus on Economics in Marburg and Rabat, attended summer schools in Tehran, Alexandria and Uppsala and finished his M.Sc. in Development Economics at Lund University in 2020. He worked in climate research projects in Namibia and Pakistan and for the United States Agency for International Development.
In 2015, Adrian started working as a translator for refugee youth while studying. In 2019, he went on the Sea-Watch 3 as a translator and photographer and helped as a volunteer on the island of Lesbos. His experiences on the Sea-Watch 3, told through his illustrated diary entries, were exhibited at Frankfurt's Weltkulturen Museum as part of 'SW5Y - Five Years of Civilian Sea Rescue'. In his current graphic novel project, Adrian aims to recount his experiences on a sea rescue mission in August 2021.